Can I fix them?
A patient came in and asked me this today.
What I told her was that her teeth were not really dark that it was just at the tip of the tooth. What she was actually seeing was the translucency of the tooth through the thinnest area of the tooth. This is normal. The enamel is translucent and where it is thin even more so. In the thicker part of the tooth there is more dentin so the light does not go through as much. That is why you see the mid tooth as white while the tip will be gray as you see the darkness of the mouth through it. After you have whitened it may be more noticeable because the whiter tooth contrasts more with the grayness of the translucency. I assured her it was quite normal and her teeth actually look very nice. Is there anything that can be done? Sure, you can have crowns or veneers placed but I though her teeth looked great and didn't need those drastic measures.
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All the best
Dr.Ron Barzilay